
Total: $0.00

Fundraiser and Updates

Thu, 09/08/2016 - 12:29 - Robert Searing


I have just created a fundraiser to help raise money for some medical procedures. You can view the details here, however the purpose of creating it is due to the finding of polyps on my vocal chords. I will be undergoing a procedure to remove them with a biopsy being done to check for cancer. All funds raised will go towards helping raise the necessary funds. Donations are accepted (via Paypal - robertsearing@hotmail.com) but please check out the fundraiser as there are about (16) items up there with most including the insert AND all cards sleeved. There's even a Takenoko Collector's edition available in there!

New Products Coming

As many of you may already be aware, I offer a program where should you be interested in an insert for a product not currently offered in our store, I will design, build, and ship (for free) an insert for said game in exchange for a copy of the game (which I would retain for any possible future modifications. I realize this isn't always economically sound with higher price games, but with the time spent on design and the materials spent on building multiple iterations during said process are typically very high. If that's something you'd be interested in taking advantage of, please email me to work out details (robertsearing@hotmail.com).

That said, due to several people taking advantage of this progream, inserts for the following games will be available real soon:

Thank You

I would like to thank all of our customers for their patience! The good news is, my wife and I have made great strides to reduce our backlog and are up to getting 6-8 inserts done a day - working 7 days a week. I apologize for these delays and can only say that I need to be more mindful of creating huge sales back to back and, especially, right before leaving for Gen Con. Each order is hand-crafted upon order in a first-ordered, first-received basis. We're a very small operation and just very appreciative of your business and continued patience.